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Are you looking for the best teeth whitening Atlanta has to offer? Then, stop buying over-the-counter whitening products and start considering cosmetic dentistry and professional teeth whitening treatments.

Experts estimate that well over half of Americans want to improve their smiles. So, it's no wonder that almost everyone wants whiter teeth for a brighter smile. That's why Dr. Rodney Baier provides the residents of Atlanta, GA,  with quality teeth whitening treatments and other smile solutions.

While we'll address many of your teeth brightening questions here, we recommend that you schedule your appointment with our talented dentist today by calling 404-851-9711 or contacting us online

Why do I have tooth stains?

Stains develop on the teeth for many reasons, such as:

Ultimately, smiles rarely have natural opalescence, which is why teeth bleaching is so common.

Can anyone get their teeth whitened?

When it comes to professional teeth whitening, dentists recommend that patients have good oral health before beginning the whitening process. This means no active infections or cavities.

Typically, an appointment with a dental hygienist or doctor is enough to reestablish your oral health. After some maintenance and preventive dental care, Dr. Baier can begin your lightening procedure.

How long can I maintain my whiter smile?

This answer depends on how much effort a patient is willing to put into preventing stains and maintaining their beautiful smile. Patients who want to preserve their brighter tooth shade should brush after eating, avoid heavily pigmented foods and drinks, and visit a dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.

For maximum results, patients should also consider scheduling a touch-up treatment to correct any residual discoloration after a whitening procedure.

How is an in-office treatment better than a store-bought treatment?

While an over-the-counter whitening gel and trays can whiten your teeth, fit almost any budget, and brighten your appearance, there are distinct drawbacks. For example, individuals must wear store-bought trays for weeks to achieve a smile that is just a few shades whiter. However, improperly wearing whitening trays  (e.g. whitening teeth for longer than an hour) could lead to tooth sensitivity and worn tooth enamel.

Professional cosmetic dentistry is a superior option because it makes teeth whitening cost-effective, removes stains for a smile that is several shades lighter and helps reduce tooth sensitivity.

Are all teeth whitening procedures and solutions the same?

The simple answer is no. For example, there are many smile brightening agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide, and other bleaching solutions.

We recommend that you talk to Dr. Baier about your smile preferences. He'll be able to assess the type of stain on your teeth and make recommendations based on your desired smile outcome.

Should I get my teeth cleaned before whitening them?

Yes! Dental cleaning with a skilled hygienist will help prepare the teeth by polishing them. Additionally, a fluoride treatment well before your whitening procedure will help remineralize your teeth so that they won't be as sensitive to a whitening gel or solution.

Teeth Whitening in Atlanta, GA

Whether you want to prepare for a business meeting or a photoshoot, you'll need to enhance your smile with quality cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening treatments. So, if you want white teeth, a bright smile, and unlimited confidence, then schedule your appointment today at Sandy Springs Cosmetic Dentist. Get started by calling 404-851-9711 or booking online.

When it comes to a healthy smile, we tend to focus on our teeth. We want the “pearly whites” to stand out, and we spend a lot of time focusing on how to keep our teeth healthy. But we need some appreciation for our gums who hold our teeth in place and do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to dental hygiene. Here are our top four tips when it comes to healthy gums and a happy smile!

Brush Teeth Properly

Brushing teeth should always be at the top of the list no matter what you’re talking about in dental hygiene! As you strive for healthy gums, focus on brushing at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste while replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Move your toothbrush in short strokes, and brush your teeth at an angle to clean your gums adequately.

Stop Smoking

As if you needed another reason to stop smoking. Did you know that smoking makes you more susceptible to gum disease because it weakens your immune system? To keep up with your gum health, it is recommended to quit smoking immediately to prevent nasty gum diseases.

Flossing Daily

After (or before) brushing, make sure you’re flossing. Numerous people neglect to floss, but this habit is just as important as brushing. As flossing removes food and plaque from between your teeth and gums, it is releasing the remains of this debris in very hard to reach places. If left to buildup, the bacteria there can lead to tartar which ultimately leads to gum disease.

Regular Dental Checkups

A complete dental checkup includes a professional cleaning of the mouth which is the only way to remove tartar from your teeth. By visiting the dentist regularly, your dentist is able to help clean the places you may have missed during your daily brushing and flossing. Additionally at your cleanings, your dentist can detect early signs of gum disease and gingivitis before it gets much worse.

As always, preventative is the best measure for success in your health, so stay on top of your gum’s health with these simple tips. Your mouth will thank you!

A healthy smile can truly change how you feel, perceive yourself, and your overall confidence. Having a beautiful smile is critical to your self-esteem, and maintaining that sense of assurance is important for many people. But how do you stay on top of your hygiene game? Here are five practical ways to make sure that your teeth (and you!) are in the best condition.


If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: floss regularly! Flossing goes between every tooth and loosens the debris that builds up between teeth. Those who floss regularly have a decreased chance of developing nasty gum diseases like gingivitis.

Limit Stain Causes

A big fan of coffee and red wine? Moderation is key! Certain foods and beverages are known to stain teeth with extended use. Additional foods that are known to stain include blueberries, tomato sauce, and soy sauce. Stay vigilant by brushing after meals, especially after ones you know will cause stains.

Twice a Day

Much like flossing, we all know this rule: brush twice a day. By brushing, you’re getting rid of buildup from eating and drinking. The buildup (plaque) can harden into tartar, but frequent brushing helps your teeth to stay healthy and clean.

Eat the Best Foods

Just like there are foods that can cause stains on your teeth, there are also foods that are excellent for your teeth. Stock up on plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, tea, and cheese. How’s that for some healthy snacking?

Talk about Dental Sealants

If you’re wanting to really one-up your oral hygiene, talk to your dentist on your next visit about dental sealants. These sealants can help prevent tooth decay and last up to ten years by sealing up small grooves and nooks in your teeth.

Although these tips are by no means an exhaustive list, they can help you get on the right track towards a healthier, beautiful, and confident smile. If you have any questions about more ways to help your teeth along, feel free to talk with our staff about other options!

Schedule an appointment with our Cosmetic Dentist in Sandy Springs, GA.

Will you see one patient through the Dental Lifeline Network • Georgia Donated Dental Services (DDS) program? The DDS program restores oral health and often transforms the lives of the patients we serve like Mark, 55, who lives in DeKalb County.

Mark suffers from end-stage renal disease and undergoes dialysis treatment three times per week. Mark needs a kidney transplant but did not qualify for the transplant waitlist until he received dental clearance and is infection-free for surgery. It had been nearly 30 years since he had been to a dentist and his dental health needed attention.

In addition, he suffered a stroke in 2009 that left him with mild memory loss and weakness on the left side of his body. He enjoys working out twice a week to help strengthen his muscles and takes walks when he can.

Unfortunately, Mark was unable to afford the dental treatment he needed. Surviving on a small Social Security Disability benefit, he struggles to make ends meet. Though he was desperate for help with his teeth, it seemed he had nowhere to turn.

How DDS Helped

Thankfully, Fresenius Kidney Care referred Mark to the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program, and he was linked with two generous GDA member volunteers and received donated treatment that restored his dental health and allowed him to receive dental clearance for a kidney transplant.

Dr. Baier commented on the ease with which he was able to serve Mark through the DDS program. “For any dentist interested in serving others or volunteerism who finds it challenging to go to another facility to volunteer, DDS makes it very simple by doing all the patient selection and screening allowing the dentist to see these patients at their own office and when circumstances allow,” said Dr. Baier.

Georgia Donated Dental Services (DDS) is a program of the Dental Lifeline Network in partnership with the Georgia Dental Association and ADA. DLN is a national humanitarian organization providing access to comprehensive dental care for people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically fragile and have no other way to get help. 317 appreciative patients in Georgia have received treatment from over 187 volunteers.

I am so thankful and appreciative for Dr. B.,” said Mark. “I am blessed to receive this care. You are a lifesaver! Thank you!

To volunteer or learn more about the DDS Program, visit or contact Georgia DDS coordinator Martha LaGrone at or 404.993.4003. CLICK HERE FOR THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE

There’s a growing number of dentists who have found themselves in the ever-evolving field of neuroscience. Neuroscience is the study of how the nervous system develops, its structure and function. They focus on the brain, its impact on behavior and its cognitive functions. Over the years, studies in dentistry have proven just how important oral health acts as the “gateway” to the rest of your body. Tooth or gum infections, if allowed to spread, can be the cause of other much more serious illnesses, including heart disease. It has also been proven that sleep apnea can have serious, life-threatening consequences. Through neuroscience, today’s dentists are starting to offer programs for sleep, weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction and pain reduction.

Many dentists are now offering treatment for sleep apnea, a disorder that causes breathing to frequently stop and start and that has been associated with significant health risks, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. In the effort to understand, diagnose, and treat this disorder, dentists have quickly educated themselves to become members of the community of medical professionals who aim to alleviate the suffering caused by sleep apnea.

The results of these studies have helped doctors determine how to help their patients health with relaxation, stress reduction, restorative sleep and lifestyle improvements. There are countless cases of patients with breathing issues due to airways being blocked in their sleep, as well as those with chronic headaches and teeth grinding.

Thanks to these new advances in neuroscience, dentists are able to explore other areas that can help their patients with weight loss, quitting smoking, stress management, chronic pain and much more. Talk to your dentist today about all the ways they can help you!

You wake up in the morning, stretch out your arms, and let out a big yawn…and that is when you hear that annoying click occasionally accompanied by facial soreness. There may not be much pain or discomfort, but that click or grinding noise is undeniable. If you think it’s alright to keep ignoring it because it just doesn’t hurt that bad, your jaw doesn’t lock, or maybe others don’t notice the noise while you chew; you’re wrong! The sound you’re hearing and the discomfort you feel are symptoms of a potentially larger problem that can worsen the longer you ignore it. Often, clicking or grinding from your jaw could be a symptom of TMJ disorder or TMD.

What is TMJ or TMD?

On either side of your jaw, you have a very important temporomandibular joint commonly known as TMJ. These joints or sliding hinges involve the articular disc which is made up of elastic fibrocartilage and act as a cushion while connecting your lower jaw to your temporal bone. When this joint is working properly there is a cushion to protect your bones and prevent them from rubbing together. TMJ disorders or TMD can vary in both severity of the symptoms and the causes of the disorder, but a jaw click lets you know that something is wrong with one or more of the articular discs.

TMJ Disorder symptoms include:

-Clicking noise when moving or opening jaw
-Ear discomfort
-Jaw pain in the morning or when stressed
-Discomfort when chewing
-Ringing in the ear

TMJ Disorder possible causes:

-Temporomandibular joint is damaged by some sort of impact
-Long term effects of clenching or grinding your teeth
-The cartilage around the joint is damaged from arthritis
-The small shock-absorbing disks that separate the TMJ from the cartilage have eroded or misaligned

Diagnosing TMJ Disorder

When you come in for your routine cleaning or schedule a consultation, Dr. Baier will perform a physical exam to test the full movement of your jaw and assess whether your joint is allowing you to achieve a full range of movement. He will also listen for any popping, scraping, or grinding noises that may occur while you open and close your mouth while also feeling areas along your jaw to test for triggers of discomfort. If Dr. Baier finds that he needs further evaluation for you, he may require the use of a Cone Beam CT or MRI. Cone Beam CT imaging provides a 3D view of the temporomandibular joint and skull which allows him to check for erosion of the bone and narrowing of the airway. An MRI can depict joint abnormalities by providing images of the disc and the muscles and other soft tissues surrounding the joint.

Consequences of Untreated TMJ

If you are currently experiencing symptoms of TMJ and decide to delay treatment, your symptoms will most likely worsen with time. Unfortunately living day to day with TMJ can take a toll on not just your oral health but also your sleep, the amount of oxygen your body gets, your mood, eating habits, and even your posture while sitting and walking. Airway sleep disorders (such as sleep apnea) and TMJ disorders are strongly linked and often as one progresses, so does the other. Luckily, both are treatable conditions once properly diagnosed.

Treatment for TMJ

Dr. Baier’s extensive training and teaching are based on the non-surgical treatment of TMD to bring the jaw and bite back into alignment for long-term relief while also keeping a focus on your airway. After a full evaluation and discussion with you about your priorities, a personalized treatment plan will be put together for you. If you’re struggling with headaches or jaw trouble in the Atlanta area and are worried that you may have TMJ, please reach out to us for a consultation. Dr. Baier and his Sandy Springs Dental Practice professionals all share the same patient-centered practices. We look forward to hearing from you!

Were you lying in bed last night listening to someone you care about snore heavily and struggle to breathe? Or, were you the one that has their mind racing about whether or not you’ll keep someone you love up as they worry about you instead? Even if your answer is no, it’s common for someone with Sleep Apnea to be completely unaware that they are snoring at all.

Sleep Apnea and Symptoms:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a disorder in which a someone’s body is making their best efforts to breathe but eventually stops breathing while they sleep due to the tissues in their throat collapsing and cutting off their airway. Since these periods of stopped breathing are for 10 seconds or more and can occur dozens or hundreds of times per hour, the person with Sleep Apnea will find that they are experiencing multiple symptoms.Some common Sleep Apnea symptoms include gasping and even choking during sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, and headaches in the morning. If their nightly struggle continues, increased blood pressure and heart strain become an even greater concern as their body repeatedly goes in to a fight or flight response in order to reinstate their breathing throughout each night. Over time, this may wear out the heart, leading to heart disease or stroke.

Who does Sleep Apnea Affect?:

Sleep Apnea can affect anyone regardless of their demographic. However, there are a few factors which increase the chances you’ll be affected.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

If you or a loved one has several risk factors above, it is important to mention these to Dr. Baier at your appointment. During your oral exam is he able to identify key markings typically present in those experiencing Sleep Apnea. These include scalloping on your tongue, grinding (especially on your front teeth), and morning dry mouth from sleeping with your mouth open.Based on evaluation and your symptoms, Dr. Baier can then help guide & refer you to the proper people within his team of airway driven focused professionals. Further evaluation with an ENT through a sleep study is often required to determine whether your customized treatment plan requires a C-PAP, oral airway appliance, surgery, or other therapy attempts.

Oral Airway Appliance Therapy:

If your treatment requires an oral airway appliance, Dr. Baier will work with you to create a custom and quality fit. These mouth appliances are worn only at night to help bring adequate air intake by preventing the collapse of your tongue and soft tissues in the back of your throat. They fit similarly to a sports mouth guard or an orthodontic retainer and keep your jaw in a forward position to help maintain an open upper airway.

Lifestyle Adjustments to Increase Treatment Success:

Is your first thought that you would like to try and naturally address existing health issues after the diagnosis? This is a great way to improve your overall condition and possibly help your Sleep Apnea. Discuss your options with your doctor to see if sleeping on your side, losing weight, limiting smoking & alcohol, and/or avoiding sedatives may help. Dr. Baier and his team of Atlanta based airway driven focused professionals all share the same patient-centered practices as his own. If you have any questions or when you are ready to set up your consultation our Dental Office in Sandy Springs, GA. We look forward to hearing from you!

Gingival recession or gum recession is a progressive dental condition which occurs when your gums begin to pull away from your teeth or start to recede.  Visible gaps gradually form between teeth and where the gum line meets the bottom of the tooth exposing the root.  If left untreated, these gaps can become a breeding ground for disease causing bacteria which can damage supporting tissue and the root of the tooth, ultimately leading to tooth loss.  Gum recession can be painful and harmful to one’s self esteem yet it affects millions of people worldwide and is typically preventable.

It is important to recognize the early signs of gum recession.

These signs include, but are not limited to:

There are multiple contributing factors that increase your risk for receding gum lines:

Treatment Options

It is important to address issues of gingival recession early by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Baier as quickly as possible to help identify and minimize the damage it can cause to your teeth and gums. Once the roots are exposed the damage to the underlying structure may accelerate quickly. If left untreated this condition could cause the loss of the affected teeth. Dr. Baier will work with you to develop a treatment plan tailored for you to stop progression, prevent, and/or restore your smile.

If you suffer from gum recession due to any of the reasons above, the good news is most recession can be stopped and there are treatments available to restore the health of your gums.  Quitting the use of all tobacco products and eating a healthy balanced diet can significantly reduce the potential for gum recession and gum disease.  If your gum recession is due to aggressive brushing or flossing, your dentist can help identify problem areas and show you a better way to brush your teeth.

Gum recession caused by periodontal disease can often be treated with a deep cleaning performed by your dental care provider. This deep cleaning is usually called scaling and root planing.  This type of cleaning removes tartar and plaque from your teeth and the roots affected.  If a deep cleaning cannot be performed due to extensive damage from gum disease, there are several treatment options available.

Another treatment is regeneration.  During this treatment, the dentist will apply regenerative material (membrane, graft tissue, or tissue-stimulation protein).  This particular step will help your body naturally regenerate bone and tissue in any of the treated areas.

A third treatment option is called soft tissue graft.  This particular treatment involves transferring a small amount of skin from your palate to the gum line where the recession is greatest.

Your dental health and overall smile are important! We encourage you to mention any concerns related to gum recession at your routine 6-month cleaning with us. If you have any questions or when you are ready to set up your consultation our Dental Office in Sandy Springs, GA. We look forward to hearing from you!

Every year over 100,000 tons of gum are chewed all over the world. The act of chewing gum in various forms has been around since the earliest of civilizations. Today various brands manufacture a variety of types and flavors for us to enjoy.

Chewing gum is often categorized as a type of candy and is assumed to be bad for your teeth. However, the American Dental Association (ADA) has identified nine types of gum that meet their standards and can help protect teeth and prevent the development of cavities.

The following gum products have earned the ADA Seal of Acceptance:

– 5 Sugarfree Gum
– Bazooka Sugar Free Bubble Gum (Original and Blue Razz)
– Dentyne Ice Sugarless Gum
– Eclipse Sugarfree Gum
– Extra Sugarfree Gum
– Ice Breakers Ice Cubes
– Orbit Sugarfree Gum
– Stride Sugarless Gum
– Trident Sugarfree Gum

You may wonder how chewing gum with the ADA seal be can be good for you. One thing all of the approved gum have in common is that they are all sugar free. Instead of being made with sugar (which can cause cavities to form) these gum products are often sweetened by aspartame, sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol, which are all non-cavity causing sweeteners. Of these sweeteners, xylitol is the only naturally occurring sweetener and also the only one which Dr. Baier suggests.

Chewing gum tends to increase the flow of saliva in your mouth. Saliva flow in your mouth helps carry and transfer calcium and phosphate which are known to increase the strength of tooth enamel. The act of chewing gum after eating can help remove food and neutralize the acids released by bacteria in plaque which would cause damage to your teeth and gums. Chewing gum is a great way to prevent halitosis, better known as bad breath!

Here are a few facts about gum and your dental health:

1. If you chew sugar-free gum it can help clean your teeth by rinsing off bacteria from the teeth after meals…just don’t let it make you think you can skip a brushing!

2. Chewing gum may lead to jaw trouble like TMJ due to the repetitive motion and stress you place on the muscles one side of your jaw. This could lead to things like headaches, earaches and even toothaches.

3. If your Sugar-free gum is sweetened with xylitol it may actually help prevent cavities. This is because Xylitol inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans, an oral bacteria that leads to cavities.

4. If you’re using gum to help cut out snacks, keep in mind that chewing gum can actually lead to more sweet and sugary junk food cravings. Studies have found that consuming artificial sweeteners frequently may lead you to find less intensely sweet (but naturally sweet) foods, such as fruit, less appealing as they change the way you taste food.

The final word? The key to chewing sugar free gum is to do it in moderation and opt for a sugar-free pack as it causes far less damage to your teeth and overall health.

It is important to realize that there can be benefits of chewing gum to help prevent cavities, but chewing gum is not to be a substitute for brushing and flossing. Too much chewing can lead to extra wear and tear on your teeth so be sure to consult with us if you experience any pain or discomfort while chewing gum as this can be related to a more serious issue.

Has it been a while since your last visit to our practice? If you have any questions or when you are ready to set up your consultation our Dental Office in Sandy Springs, GA. We look forward to hearing from you!

Is your toothache due to seasonal allergies?

Summer is just around the corner and Spring is officially coming to an end.  For those who suffer from seasonal allergies, they can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The most common side effects for people with seasonal allergies are headaches, runny noses, itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, and the list goes on.  A surprising side effect that most people do not connect with seasonal allergies is sensitive teeth.

Studies have shown that sinus inflammation from seasonal allergies can build pressure in the sinuses and push down on the roots of your upper molars and premolars.  This increased pressure can lead to hypersensitivity to cold and hot, pain when biting, and constant throbbing.  These symptoms mirror the symptoms of an infected tooth which can be alarming, especially if you make proper dental care a priority!

Tooth Pain or Sinus Problems? How to know the difference.

However, there are several things that can help identify tooth pain from sinus problems.  If you notice that the pain level changes when you stand, sit, and lie down, chances are the shifts in pressure in your sinuses are the reason for the fluctuations in your pain.  If you notice that you have pain from pressure around your nasal passages and forehead area when your teeth hurt, they are likely related. Another indicator is if you get any relief when taking antihistamines and decongestants.

While tooth pain from allergies may not be from a more serious condition such as a virus, tooth infection, cavities, or gingivitis, it is very important to protect the health of your mouth and teeth especially during allergy season.  A dry mouth and a sore throat caused by allergies can lead to oral health complications that are more serious.  There are two ways allergies can cause a dry mouth, one is from the side effects of antihistamines and the other is from breathing through your mouth when your nose is stuffed up.

Having a dry mouth is not only uncomfortable, but is a breeding ground for bacteria and increases your chance of developing cavities, gum disease and bad breath since you do not have enough saliva to wash the bacteria away.  One way you can combat dry mouth is by drinking lots of water.  Staying hydrated will not only help keep your mouth from feeling dry, but will also help flush your body of excess mucus.

It is important to recognize the side effects of seasonal allergies and know how your body reacts during certain times of the year.  However, if you are concerned that the tooth pain you are experiencing may be caused by something other than allergies it is always best to consult with Dr. Baier as soon as possible! We can help properly determine the cause of your discomfort and find the best solution for you.

When was the last time you went to the dentist for a checkup?

Dentophobia, or the fear of going to the dentist, is more common than you might think.  Despite the linkage between overall health and the health of your mouth, millions of Americans forego visiting the dentist each year.  According to a recent Gallup poll nearly a third of Americans did not go to an appointment with their dentist in the past year.  The reasons for skipping dental checkups vary, and the probability of going to the dentist is different according to age, gender, and where you live.  Regardless, 6 in 10 people put off visiting the dentist due to fear.

The age group least likely to visit the dentist is 18-29 and increases with age until 65+.  Women are 5.2% more likely to visit the dentist than men.  Geographically, adults who live in the South are less likely to visit the dentist than any other region in the United States.  One of the most common reasons for people to fear the dentist is due to a negative personal experience they may have had in the past while visiting the dentist.  Many people fear the potential for pain, numbness, and gagging.  Other folks fear the stereotypical sounds and smells associated with dental offices.

One of the best ways to overcome your fear of going to the dentist is by doing your research.  Luckily, with so many resources available on the internet, it is easy to find local dentists and read reviews from their current patients.  It is important to find a dentist that creates a welcoming environment, understands your anxiety or fear, and can help alleviate any stressors or concerns associated with visits and/or procedures.

If you have any questions or when you are ready to set up your consultation our Dental Office in Sandy Springs, GA. We look forward to hearing from you!

What is WOHD and how does it affect your dental health?

Did you know that over 90% of the world’s population will suffer from an oral disease at some point during their lifetime?  This is a staggering statistic that can be significantly reduced through global recognition, education, and the help of dental professionals to encourage change in their patients’ individual hygiene.

The FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide.  Starting in 2007 the FDI has officially designated March 20th as “World Oral Health Day” (WOHD). WOHD is the largest global awareness campaign for oral health.  Each year there is a specific theme that is the primary focus for the year.  The three year theme “Say ahh” will be used in years 2018-2020.  The sub theme for 2018, “Say ahh, think mouth, think health” focuses on the direct link between a person’s oral hygiene and their overall health.  “Say ahh” focuses on four main messages.

Oral health is much more than a nice smile. A healthy mouth allows you to function well on a day to day basis.  Speaking, smiling, drinking, and eating are all easier to do with a healthy mouth. An unhealthy mouth can make these functions much more difficult due to discomfort, pain, disease, and a lack of self-confidence.

Oral health and general health have a two-way relationship. Dr. Baier can learn a lot from you saying “Ahh”.  An oral exam can reveal a great deal when it comes to a person’s eating habits, sleeping habits, diet, tobacco, and alcohol use.  Neglecting to live a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your teeth can commonly lead to tooth decay and gum disease.  Oral diseases have been linked to more serious health conditions including diabetes, some cancers, heart disease, and respiratory issues.  The two way relationship refers to the general diseases that some people have that directly affect oral health.  A person with Diabetes has a much higher chance of developing gum disease.

The mouth cannot be isolated from the rest of the body.  It is extremely important to focus on all aspects of health and hygiene since the body works together as a single unit.  Purely focusing on the mouth and oral hygiene will help reduce oral diseases, but neglecting to exercise regularly can have a reverse impact on your teeth.

Most oral diseases share common risk factors with other diseases.  The most common triggers are based on a person’s individual lifestyle and behavior.  An unhealthy diet, harmful consumption of alcohol, poor hygiene and use of tobacco products will significantly raise the likelihood of disease.  The good news is, living a healthy lifestyle, making good diet choices, avoiding tobacco use, and drinking alcohol in moderation can have a significantly positive effect on battling the development of oral diseases.

“It’s never too early or too late to start looking after your mouth, your body with thank you.” – FDI World Dental Federation

We encourage you to let World Oral Health Day be just another reminder to make your oral health a priority today and every day of the year. If this works as a reminder to schedule your routine cleaning, don’t procrastinate – call us today!

If you have any questions or when you are ready to set up your consultation our Dental Office in Sandy Springs, GA. We look forward to hearing from you!

When you’re not completely satisfied & comfortable with your smile, it can affect not only your mood, self-confidence, and quality of life, but also the moods of others.

The Impact of Your Smile:

These are just some of the reasons to enhance and improve the appearance of your smile through a comprehensive & customized dental plan.

Factors that make up an Ideal Smile:

Evaluation and Smile Design:

Since there are many aspects that make up your ideal smile, you may find that some of these aspects are more important to you than others. Dr. Baier can help you plan and visualize your most confident smile through the Smile Design & Treatment planning process. This detailed process takes into account multiple factors which make up your ideal smile and may involve photography, photo editing software, and virtual redesign. Once you agree upon your design and treatment plan, we will work with you to make your shared vision a reality.

If you have any questions or when you are ready to set up your consultation our Dental Office in Sandy Springs, GA. We look forward to hearing from you!

Happy New Year! Once again it’s that familiar time full of resolutions and goals to improve oneself. If your smile doesn’t expand when you catch a glance of your grin in the mirror, maybe an overlooked resolution of yours is improving the health & appearance of your teeth.

As the ball dropped in Times Square just days ago, inevitably close to two million people were clenching their teeth and chattering from the frigid temperatures outside. While the effects of the clenching and chattering from this one night most likely will not cause immediate wear, the continued tooth wear and natural aging can have drastic effects on your teeth and mouth.

The reduction of tooth enamel and the structure of your teeth is commonly referred to as tooth wear. The three most common causes for tooth wear are attrition, erosion, and abrasion. Attrition happens when individuals grind or clench their teeth. The extent of this type of damage depends on how often grinding and clenching occurs. Cases where grinding can have severe effects on the structure of teeth occurs most with individuals who grind or clench in their sleep while they are completely unaware.

Toothwear caused by erosion is associated with chemical contact from acidic beverages like coffee or soda and by medical conditions such as bulimia or acid reflux. Lastly, abrasion is when an individual improperly brushes their teeth, overly uses toothpicks, and even uses their teeth as tools.

Prolonged wear and tear on your teeth can lead to various complications and unattractive visible changes in your teeth. Abrasion can lead to cracked or jagged teeth with grooves and notches that expose dentin (the softer part of your teeth) while grinding and clenching can also reduce the structure and smooth the surface to levels where more dentin is exposed as well. When dentin, the softer part of your teeth, becomes exposed, deterioration begins to occur more quickly.

If these tooth wear causes are not treated or prevented, many oral health complications, including unattractive and irregular tooth levels, jagged and sharp tooth edges, tooth pain and eventual loss of the teeth altogether may occur. There are many customized preventative and corrective treatment options for patients experiencing tooth wear issues.

In order to determine your best options for achieving your ideal smile we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Baier. After a thorough exam in combination with identifying your concerns, he will be able to discuss a comprehensive treatment plan specific to you. This treatment plan will vary based on the cause of wear and when it is detected. Therefore, don’t wait another year! Start now and work closely with your Doctor to proactively find the best way to achieve your ideal and healthy smile.

When the brisk winter chill moves in, so does flu and cold season.

While getting a flu shot, washing your hands often, and avoiding people who are sick can greatly reduce your risk of getting ill, one of the most forgotten or overlooked preventative measures includes making sure to also practice good oral health.

Health teeth and gums due to good oral hygiene can not only prevent gum disease, but also other types of systemic diseases. If you are experiencing chronic gum inflammation then you are opening your mouth up as a portal through which bacteria can more easily enter your bloodstream. There was recently a study by Yale University School of Medicine which discovered a link between bacterial pneumonia and oral hygiene. This link was found to double the risk factor of contracting pneumonia in those with severe gum problems due to poor oral hygiene.

According to the CDC, simply rinsing your toothbrush to the point of being visibly clean isn’t enough to remove harmful bacteria. To reduce contamination it is recommended that your toothbrush (or brush head) be replaced at least every 3-4 months and also after illness.

Tips to fight infection

Eating healthy and focusing on proper nutrition can help you get the nutrients necessary for better overall health and wellness. As the holidays approach, it may be difficult to stick to your ideal diet. However, if your diet is low in the nutrients your body seeks, your dental health may noticeably suffer as your mouth has a more difficult time resisting infection. Periodontal disease is a major cause of tooth loss in adults and has been found to progress much more quickly and become more severe in those lacking nutrient rich diets.
The basis for a balanced diet and good oral hygiene habits are typically formed in childhood. Well established eating habits which maintain healthy eating patterns and food choices in combination with proper dental hygiene early in life will set the stage for the better habits during adulthood. A focus on calcium, phosphorous, and fluoride levels are particularly important as they can help develop strong, decay resistant teeth early on.

Food Choices
A poor diet with a large amount of carbohydrates, sugars, and starches can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. These particular food choices contribute to the production of plaque acids that attack the tooth enamel and over time these acids can cause tooth enamel to break down and form cavities.
Almost all foods, including milk and vegetables, contain some type of sugar. However, many foods containing sugar are a necessary part of a healthy diet, because several of them also contain important nutrients. To help control the amount of sugar you consume, read food labels and choose foods and beverages that are low in added sugars. Added sugars are often present in soft drinks, candy, cookies and pastries.

Be Aware
When you do eat foods high in sugar or starch, it’s best to eat them as part of a whole meal rather than as a snack. When you eat a meal, saliva production increases and helps to rinse foods and acids from the mouth to prevent sticky situations which will later cause plaque.

No matter what time of year, it’s important to remember that keeping your teeth healthy depends on several factors. You already know you should floss once a day, brush your teeth at least twice a day, and see us regularly, but your diet also plays a role in the health of your teeth. Foods high in sugar are a particularly common cause of tooth decay and while you don’t need to avoid them completely, making them a treat rather than a staple will help protect your teeth and overall health for years to come.

Choose Wisely

To maintain a balanced diet and have a positive effect on your oral health, eat a variety of foods from each of the five major food groups, drink plenty of water, and limit the number of high sugar snacks you eat. If, and when you do snack, choose foods such as cheese, nuts, raw vegetables, or plain yogurt. Don’t forget to stay hydrated as this will help maintain a healthy saliva level to wash foods from the mouth and lessen the effects of acids.

The jaws grow and develop as a result of even pressure from the lips, cheeks and tongue and therefore any disruption in this equilibrium can result in not only facial and skeletal changes, but also changes in airway health. Often times children suffering from nasal obstructions such as asthma, allergies, deviated septum, a tethered tongue, and/or large tonsils are affected as they are forced to breathe through their mouths. This can eventually lead to an open bite, a long lower face, and an underdeveloped upper jaw.

Your infant’s airways are divided into three parts: the nasopharynx (the portion of the airway associated with the nose), the oropharynx (the portion of the airway associated with the mouth and throat), and the hypopharynx (the pharyngeal airway space below the mouth). Babies who regularly breath through their mouth will not fully develop their nasal passages.

If abnormal growth patterns in the jaws are not recognized and treated early on, it may lead to the need for surgical correction. However, simply learning what to look out for in your growing child can help catch the problem early on so that their growth trajectory may be altered to make great positive strides.

Signs that demonstrate Nasal obstruction

How are breastfeeding & tongue tied children linked to airway and skeletal/facial growth and development?

Problems associated with the Tethered Tongue

Overall, restricted movement from being tongue tied can affect skeletal growth, speech & pronunciation, as well as airway development.

What should you do?

Bring your child in for an exam. We will help determine the causes of the problem and direct you to the proper resources for your next steps.

As your dentist, we strive to make you as comfortable and relaxed as possible during each visit with us. We hope that the understanding that you’ll be receiving top notch dental care with state of the art technology alleviates any of your worries after experiencing just one visit with us.

However, we know that for some, visiting the dentist still isn’t their favorite thing in the world. Don’t worry—we don’t take it personally! We understand that dental anxiety is a real thing, and we’d like to offer a few tips to anyone with even the slightest anxiety. Ultimately we hope to help your next dental visit go as smoothly as possible.

Simply & Easy Tips to Help You Relax During Your Visit to the Dentist

Ask Questions:

Ask us any questions or address any concerns before beginning your care. We like to keep you informed and educated about what to expect with your visits. However, if you have a new question pop up during dental treatment, don’t tense up and hold it in, ask us! This way we know what you are concerned about and we can help you feel more at ease.

Listen to Music:

Some people find that plugging in headphones and zoning out during their visit is the most relaxing way to spend their time in our chair. Whether you listen to your favorite bands or download a soothing podcast, please feel free distract yourself accordingly.

Watch TV:

Lay back and enjoy watching a selection of DVD sitcoms on one of our overhead screens with wireless headphones. In our office we have quite a few comedy DVD’s to choose from and patients are also welcome to bring their own if they wish.

Have something to hold:

You may be most comfortable with your hands folded in your lap or rested at your sides. Although, if you find your hands gets restless, bring something (or ask us for something) like a stress ball or fidget spinner to hold.

Remember that we have various methods of dental sedation and anesthesia:

If you are feeling extremely anxious or simply need pain relief, you can relax knowing that we offer a variety of sedation methods and pain relief. Discuss your best options with Dr. Baier and the team so we know how to best make you comfortable.

Control your breathing:

Take long, slow, deep breaths through your nose to help flood your body with oxygen and other naturally calming chemicals within your body. Your central nervous system will automatically help reduce discomfort and anxiety through diaphragmatic breathing.

If you’re ready to melt your dental fears away through experiencing a relaxing, stress-free, and pain-free trip to our dental office, call to schedule your appointment today. We look forward to seeing you and helping you to receive the exceptional dental care that you deserve.


Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxism, is one of the most damaging dental disorders that commonly occurs when a person grinds or clenches their teeth together. Most of the time it occurs at night while you are sleeping or subconsciously while awake. You may be dealing with Bruxism if you’ve ever experienced sore teeth, earaches but no infection, lasting facial pain, tight jaw muscles, and/or headaches.

While Bruxism does have many effective treatments, you may be interested in attempting to relieve symptoms or lessen the grinding naturally. Some of the best ways to alleviate teeth grinding involve reducing stress so that you and your body can relax. Below are a few natural suggestions to try while advancing through treatments with Dr. Baier.

Natural Remedies for Teeth Grinding

Drink tea in the evening. A warm herbal, valerian, or chamomile tea is great for calming anxiety or worry before bed.

Valerian. The natural muscle relaxing properties of Valerian can help you relax and enjoy a deep sleep. One suggestion is to mix a few drops of Valerian essential oil with one teaspoon of olive oil and massage this onto your affected jaw and neck area.

Lavender. With a naturally calming and soothing effect on your nervous system, lavender can help induce relaxation and aid in better sleep. Suggestions for use include infused tea, essential oil infusers in your home, and massage oils.

Exercise regularly. By establishing an active routine, you can help your bodily systems working smoothly while simultaneously relieving stress.

Take a warm shower or bath before sleep. By creating the feeling of floating and overall warmth, you can help release tensions in your body and relax your muscles.

Warm Compress. Apply moist heat twice daily to the jaw to relax the jaw and muscles and prevent teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Massage. Gentle circular massage of the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and face can help relieve tension in the masticatory muscles. A full-body stress-management massage will also be beneficial as stress is usually the main cause of teeth grinding. For additional relief, include lavender or valerian in your massage oil.

Turmeric Milk. Milk has the amino acid tryptophan, which helps you relax and enjoy a deeper sleep as well as calcium to help keep your teeth healthy. Combine Turmeric for it’s natural medicinal qualities with milk to help control the problem of teeth grinding & pain. Make sure to drink it about 30 minutes before going to bed and prior to brushing your teeth.

Bruxism Remedies

Hopefully one or a combination of these natural remedies help to relieve your Bruxism or the side effects. However, if you do continue to have problems with teeth grinding, please make sure to schedule a consultation with your dentist, Dr. Baier, or another specialist as soon as possible. It is always best to prevent tooth wear and further dental problems as soon as possible. There are many effective dental care options for resolving your teeth grinding as well as treatments to restore your smile to its brightest.

Did you know that your child’s development can be negatively affected by the way they sleep? If your child grinds their teeth, snores, or breathes with their mouth open you might think that it is not a big deal, or maybe even “cute” at times. However, if you can see or hear your child breathing, these poor sleeping habits can not only affect your children’s development but lead to further health complications later in life.

Effects of Mouth Breathing in Children

Research has shown that when a child breathes through their mouth instead of their nose, their facial and dental development can be adversely affected. Potential abnormalities include the development of a longer, more narrow face, a less pronounced jawline, a gummy smile, severely crooked teeth, headaches, sleep deprivation, and temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Mouth breathers experience more interrupted sleep because their brains are telling their body to extend their jaws to allow more room and reopen a collapsed or obstructed airway.

Typically parents seek the advice of their dentist when they notice crooked teeth. However, crooked & crowded teeth are incidental when compared to the more urgent problem: oxygen! The messages sent to your body when you are sleeping with your mouth open can cause you to grind and clench your teeth which disallows a deep stage of sleep which is essential for childhood development. The lack of oxygen being provided to the body as a child can prevent specific hormones from being released and can often impact the bodies growth.


It’s important to open the airway as early as possible, so it’s important to consult with Dr. Baier if you believe that your child is suffering from these side effects. It’s not always necessary to wait until all your child’s teeth are in since it is typically best for us to develop the upper jaw and bring the lower jaw forward without necessarily removing any teeth. In combination with tongue exercises, many patients can experience dramatic breathing, cosmetic, and even growth improvement!

They have the symptoms, now what?

There are several signs that are important to be aware of if you suspect that your child may be a mouth breather. He or she will breathe primarily out of their mouth, may have bad breath, can develop dark circles under their eyes, may seem more tired than normal, and can be smaller in size than other children their age. It is important to consult with a specialist as soon as possible if you believe that your child is suffering from these side effects. Take them to their allergist and pediatric ENT but don’t forget to also speak to your dentist about taking part in the treatment so that entire picture can be put together.

Dentistry is not just about keeping your teeth free of cavities and gums free of bacteria.

True dentistry focuses on helping people to enjoy their lives while spending their valuable time as they choose. Being a doctor is about empowering and freeing people to find their happiness, pursue their career or lifestyle choices, while enjoying time with those they love pain free and without worry in regards to their health. Dr. Baier refers to his approach to dentistry as a Holistic Approach.

Is Dr. Baier’s approach typical?

No, unfortunately it is not. Dr. Baier and his team have established their dental practice around a proactive preventive approach. They are not only available for emergency appointments when you are experiencing pain, but they are there to see and take care of you on a routine basis so visits are limited and likely prevent painful emergency situations.

Dr. Baier and his team believe that your doctor should be engaged in the quality of your health care, and be available to help you combat the issues that come with aging so you can live a happy and fulfilling life. In addition to his skillful knowledge and experience, Dr. Baier accomplishes this by carefully predicting upcoming issues and managing each individual patient so that they need the minimum amount of dentistry in their lifetime while maintaining exceptional dental health.

This means less crowns, less fillings, less implants…and ultimately less money spent repairing your dental health since he and his team will be preventing problems before they arise. Dr. Baier focuses on identifying and truly resolving the cause of your dental health problems so that you can enjoy exceptional dental health, as opposed to constantly repairing surface problems related to an underlying issue that can lead to detrimental problems down the road.

How does this Holistic Approach work?

This approach is based on a scientific detailed analysis of the patient’s lifestyle, and genetic and epigenetic risk factors, and consists of a Total Body Approach protocol. It takes a precise collaboration of different medical specialties where Dentistry plays a key role. Why Dentistry? Because, nowadays it has evolved into Oral Medicine, able to detect through saliva and tissue composition the slightest variations of body health and lifestyle changes. Is your doctor taking more time to understand why rather than just how? Dr. Baier treats you holistically and comprehensively; “looking” at the whole body takes time and a lot of intellectual energy.

What can you do?

Ask your doctor a lot of questions, and do your research when searching for the best dentist for your overall health, not just surface issues. Choose a dentist focused on what causes your individual health problems and who keeps up-to-date with their education and enjoys patients asking questions to better understand how to be proactive with their health care. When your dentist goes above and beyond to teach you about the importance of proper oral health care and prevention, rather than just charging you to resolve your current problem, you’ll know you have found a doctor who practices true medicine and has completed their Journey to Patient-Centered Cosmetic Dentist in Sandy Springs, GA.

When Dr. Baier has found that one or multiples of your teeth have been compromised or damaged by decay, he may choose to use a filling or a crown to repair it. There are some differences to consider when evaluating your options.

When is a dental filling best?

When repairing a small area of decay, a filling is a great option. A filling can be completed in a single appointment and is often less expensive than a crown. The cavity can be filled with a material called composite, which mimics the tooth’s natural shade and sheen. Once completed, the filling should stop the decay and keep the tooth healthy for a number of years. Drawbacks of a filling can be a shorter comparative lifespan, and potential long term issues like recurring decay and cracking.

Why can decay happen to a tooth restored with a filling?

Unfortunately, even after a tooth has been restored with a filling, sometimes decay can reappear and compromise the structure of the tooth once again. Over time, bacteria works its way into the areas of the tooth surrounding and supporting the filling, and the tooth begins to deteriorate as a result. As the decay worsens, the tooth continues to weaken, which can result in cracking, pain, and potentially tooth breakage or loss. If caught early enough, the decay can typically be removed and the tooth re-filled or crowned. However, if left untreated, more serious procedures might be needed such as a root canal, bridge, or dental implant.

When is a dental crown best?

Placing a crown is best when a tooth has been weakened by extensive decay, injury, or deterioration of a large filling. A crown procedure involves reducing the surface area of the whole tooth to remove the decay, and then covering it entirely with a restoration made of ceramic or composite. Crowns are more durable and last longer than a filling and protect teeth from fracturing over time.

Do you need a crown or a filling?

In the right circumstances, both a filling and a crown are excellent solutions for repairing decayed or damaged teeth. Regardless of your oral health status, delaying your dental treatment is never the best option as it allows dental health problems to progress and worsens. After completing a thorough exam, Dr. Baier a Dentist in Sandy Springs, GA can discuss your unique needs and consult with you about your best options for taking charge of your dental health by creating your individual treatment plan.

You may be surprised to find out that the benefits of a properly aligned & spaced smile far exceed a confident smile. In fact, the American Dental Association says that your overall dental health can be positively affected by straightening your teeth.

We know our patients are looking for an orthodontic treatment that is not only cost-effective but also minimal in terms of affecting daily life. So, we are excited to announce that we are Providers of the new MTM (Minor Tooth Movement) Clear Aligner! Now your ability to achieve your most confident smile while reducing your risk for gum disease and tooth decay is just an appointment away.

Benefits of Properly Aligned Teeth:

Why Choose a Clear Aligner:

Orthodontics used to be geared towards adolescents. However, now we know that adults should be able to enjoy the health and cosmetic benefits of having properly aligned teeth. The arch in your mouth and positioning of your teeth shift along with the other age-related changes that occur over time. As technology has progressed, we are now able to correct your smile quickly, gently, and discreetly.

Are You a Candidate for MTM Clear Aligners?:

If you’re interested in correcting your smile quickly, gently, and discreetly, call to schedule your consultation with Dr. Baier, the Sandy Springs Dentist today.

Your family’s oral health depends on a multitude of factors. These factors include oral hygiene habits such as how often you are brushing and flossing as well as whether you maintain your routine dental visits. Another factor that you have no control over, is your genetics. Like many other aspects of your health, your oral health is also slightly affected by your genes.

While most oral health issues can be prevented by proper dental care habits, there are a few oral health problems that can be inherited. Regardless of genetics, we recommend that children visit a pediatric dentist for early detection. This first visit should be scheduled by age 1 or within six months of their first tooth breaking through.

Identifying these problems early may make it easier for you to take the proper steps necessary to prevent or correct them before they become a larger problem.

Misaligned Teeth

The crowding of or lack of straightness in teeth is one of the most common issues known to be passed down from generation to generation. If you have crooked teeth or had to have braces at some point, there is a good chance that your child will also be born with crooked teeth. Misaligned teeth can also be the result of having a small jaw. This is a facial feature that may not allow enough room for adult teeth to come in, so they become overcrowded.

Fortunately, there are several different orthodontic procedures that can help correct these issues, regardless of age.


Periodontitis, also known as periodontal gum disease, is one of the leading causes of early tooth loss. This is caused when bacteria in plaque builds between the gums and teeth and causes the gums surrounding those teeth to become inflamed. If the disease is left untreated and allowed to progress, these pockets surrounding the teeth deepen as the gum tissue and bone are destroyed.

Research has also found a genetic link to periodontitis as it often occurs in members of the same family, and some forms can even develop during childhood. Recent research has found that up to 30% of the population may be genetically susceptible to developing periodontitis. Studies have found that if your parent had periodontitis, you are 12 times more likely to have the same bacteria that lead to gum disease.

The best way to prevent periodontitis is to maintain your routine dental cleaning and exams while keeping your dental hygiene habits consistent and thorough.


Dental cavities are the most common dental health issue, affecting over 90% of the population. While they may be common, your dentist can help you identify ways to prevent their frequency. It can be something as simple as knowing not to take a sugar-based medicine right before bed and after brushing your teeth, identifying dry mouth, or increasing fluoride to strengthen your enamel.

If any of these oral health issues run in your family, speak with Dr. Baier and find out if you or your family are at a higher risk for developing dental health issues. There are plenty of preventative measures and treatments that can be done to combat almost all types of oral health problems. Knowing that you are genetically predisposed, simply makes it known that you must be diligent in preventing them.

Whether or not you’re already experiencing dental health issues, schedule your dental visit and make sure you discuss the best methods for restoring and maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

If you’ve ever heard the term Bruxism from your dentist, you may be clenching, bracing, gnashing, and/or grinding your teeth. You may be doing this nocturnally while you sleep, or due to stress throughout the day. If you’re not sure, it won’t be difficult to find out, simply ask your dentist!

The symptoms of bruxism are fairly easy to spot, as are the complications that can result from it. Damage that is accrued at night typically happens at a much higher rate than those who clench or grind due to stress. In fact, sleep bruxism effects don’t stop at tooth damage. Patients who grind or clench at night are more prone to sleep disturbances such as sleep apnea or gastric reflux symptoms.

While identifying the damage from bruxism is an everyday reality for most dental practices, the causes, and frequency of occurrence for bruxism are varied and not quite as easy to pinpoint. In fact, with Dental Professionals estimating a range from 5-95%, there is no agreement on the number of people who definitively brux. Daytime bruxing is most commonly associated with stress and can often be relieved simply by making suffered aware of their habit or by providing relief through massage or stress relief techniques.

Nighttime bruxism is a little tricky because it is an activity that occurs subconsciously and cannot be relieved through behavioral changes. The majority of sleeping bruxism episodes occur while lying horizontally with the face and torso facing up and may be associated with either a reduction in the airway passage or an increase in its resistance. Although research points to neurochemistry, autonomic system, and sleep arousal as possible triggers, the causes for sleep bruxism can still not be conclusively determined.

As a result, treatment for nighttime bruxism usually involves a thorough examination followed by the design of a custom mouth guard or splint. When Dr. Baier creates your appliance, he customizes it to direct your closures into a protruded posture that opens your airway without creating bulk or causing it to feel restrictive.

Once you have your appliance properly fitted so that we can eliminate or greatly reduce the risk for damage to reoccur, Dr. Baier will work with you to repair any damage your smile has suffered. If you are experiencing the visible wear or discomfort associated with Bruxism, call 404-851-9711 to schedule an appointment with our Dental Office in Sandy Springs, GA today. We will focus on your smile comprehensively and work with you to create a plan to achieve your ideal and most confident smile.

The new year is already upon us and if improving your diet is on your list of resolutions, we have another reason besides a slimmer waistline to hold you to your commitment. You may not know that healthy food choices don’t just help your overall body, these habits are also great for your teeth! Your everyday diet can affect your dental health greatly. Keep reading for some tips and facts to help improve your dental health along your way through the year.

Limit Snacking! Not only does the elimination of snacks cut calories, it also cuts down on cavities and excess plaque buildup. Are you wondering how?

It’s simple. Snacks are a quick way to consume food and usually eaten so quick that your mouth doesn’t have quite enough time to catch up with the production of enough saliva to adequately wash away debris and acid. By remaining in your mouth, this can contribute to excess plaque and eventually cavities.

So, if you’re going to reach for a quick bite, a healthy snack such as a crunchy vegetable or fruit instead of something sugary such as soda, sugary juices, candy or pastries. If you’re looking for a few teeth friendly choices, consider: lean proteins, peas and beans, dairy products, or whole grains.

Remember, everything in moderation. Except brushing of course! For the best oral health, always remember to brush your teeth at least twice each day.

Don’t forget to watch our quick video that will remind you of proper brushing and flossing techniques to continue your oral health care regardless of dietary changes.

Are you wondering what else you can do to improve the health of your teeth? Make sure to ask us at your next appointment. Maintaining your routine hygiene care visits is important in keeping your smile healthy and preventing problems from the start.

Dentist philosopher L.D. Pankey, when talking about the assimilation of knowledge, would say, “First you get it in your hands, then your head, and finally in your heart” meaning objective understanding and competence is only the FIRST step in becoming a complete dentist.

This of course, was a hard message to hear as a young clinician, because after finishing dental school and diving into advanced comprehensive restorative training, I was READY to practice as a “comprehensive dentist.” Unfortunately, most of my patients didn’t get the memo. Most looked at me suspiciously, others left.

Fortunately, a few allowed me to perform (and “perform” is the perfect word for it) my complete exam, study models and photography. Then, I would spend hours waxing up cases, and preparing a thorough report containing all of my findings and recommendations. And finally, a “case presentation” appointment would be scheduled where I would unveil the brilliance of my complete dentistry, about which they would surely be impressed, and have no alternative but to say “yes”! From there, it was then easy to visualize a completely organized schedule with a projected level of income of my choice based upon how hard I wanted to work, and the number of hours I was willing to commit to being at the office. It all sounded so perfectly logical, and it all fit quite well with my left brain learning worldview of dentistry.

However, it did not work out that way for me very often. I wasn’t alone in this either! I have spoken and consulted with literally hundreds of dentists who have experienced the same frustrations. Many ultimately gave up the effort to try and practice comprehensive relationship based dentistry. Others took their practice to near bankruptcy via their determination.

You see, we missed Dr. Pankey’s message the first pass through, and some even after the next two or three passes through. I failed to recognize that the whole concept of complete care hinged on how THE PATIENT felt, what THEY wanted, and what the solution meant TO THEM. It was only after this difficult realization that things began to improve for me and my practice. The work of many mentors helped me to make some critical adjustments regarding how I communicated with patients – and perhaps even more critically – when.

Patient centered dentistry is just that – patient centered, not treatment centered. This means that I must first come to appreciate each person first without imposing our beliefs and expectations upon them. This is a process which involves understanding your feelings and problems about your oral health first, before understanding or discussing, solutions. We must first be able to grasp the contextual meaning of dentistry in each patient’s life…and by so doing better appreciate THEIR reality.

Over time, I’ve become better at doing this, and I can feel that my knowledge has reached my heart, and the hearts of my patients as well. As the year comes to a close, I am reminded even more of how very fortunate we are to have wonderful patients that appreciate and trust the journey we take them on. The journey that ultimately leads to greater understanding of their oral health and superior self confidence in their smile.

If you someone you know is seeking the care that comes with dentistry which is truly patient centered, we hope you feel confident in sharing our name.

Insurance is a touchy subject for many people.  Since oral health is something that affects your daily life, it’s easy to understand why emotions get involved.  However, it should also be understandable why your dental care should be a top priority.  It’s far too often that we hear how dental insurance is affecting the quality of dental care people seek.  So, let’s take a step back and get a quick reminder about what dental insurance’s true purpose is.

Dental insurance has been around for over 50 years and inflation has increased the cost of most medicine and dentistry at a rate of 5-10% per year.  Despite inflation and the increased cost of dental care and treatment, the average individual payout from a dental insurance company has remained relatively constant over the years.  Overall, costs have been managed by insurance companies by raising their premiums but maintaining the cost of reimbursements.  That means that your average dental insurance payout amount has remained the same and managed to become valued at approximately one tenth of what it was worth to begin with in the 1970s.  This leads to frustration with patients and dentists because insurance coverage has begun to determine people’s decision making and the fate of their dental health.

However, this shouldn’t be the case.  Proper dental hygiene and care is primary to preventing the development of poor oral health which leads to even more expensive treatment plans.

With proper dental hygiene, individualized care, and strategic financial planning to stage necessary treatment within your budget, a lifetime of good oral health is well within your reach.  Just like buying a home, proper dental health is an investment that pays you back many times over.  A new car depreciates as soon as you drive it off the lot, while a healthy smile brings you confidence and allows you to reap the benefits daily.

Take a look at your financial resources and your possible dental insurance coverage so we can help you be strategic with your dental treatment plan. We are here to help you look at the big picture and design the fate of your dental health in a positive way. A way that makes sense for your budget, your schedule, and ultimately makes you smile. That’s what we do with our patients every single day.

Do you have a cracked tooth? The possibility may be greater than you think.

If you are experiencing acute pain when you bite and then release, eat grainy tough foods, and/or when you apply cold food or drinks to the same area, you may be experiencing symptoms related to a cracked tooth.  Cracks or fractures are often found in teeth after the removal of an existing restoration.  Sometimes patients have been experiencing little to no symptoms.  Unknown to you, this silent situation continues until the disruption of enamel and dentin extends further and you eventually begin to experience pain.  For many years, the fracturing of teeth was not a thoroughly understood process and often went without diagnosis.  However, now that we have the knowledge and experience, we make it our goal to identify and manage the overall structural stability of the entire tooth.  We do this by locating the fracture and protecting it from the invasion of bacteria, regardless of whether or not you are already experiencing pain.

Cracked teeth was initially described in 2007 by David Clark in “Dentistry Today” as an “epidemic” and was recently described more prominently as an “epidemic” at the 2015 American Association of Endodontists (AAE). It is now recognized as the third leading cause of tooth loss and as such, it has led the AAE to recently form a “Special Committee on Methodology of Cracked Tooth Studies.”  – Spear Education


In order to properly see and diagnose cracks/fractures visually, we must use loupes of at least 3x along with intraoral cameras.  If necessary, we may also use methylene blue staining in addition to magnification to help with our identifying techniques.


The most common causes of cracked teeth are the result of too much stress on the tooth from ongoing grinding or clenching, acute trauma from an accident, and/or biting something too hard at the wrong angle.  Interestingly, cracked teeth are more common in females than males.


A crack in your tooth may be determined as a complete or incomplete fracture.  An incomplete fracture describes a crack that involves one marginal ridge of your tooth, while a complete fracture involves two marginal ridges.  This problem may be as simple as a craze line that only ventures into the enamel or as complex as a root fracture which you will most likely experience pain from.

Treatment plans for a cracked tooth will contain any of the following assessments: craze lines, fractured cusp, cracked tooth, split tooth, vertical root fracture, or fracture necrosis.


Our treatments are always customized to your individual situation.  This can depend on the size and location of the crack and the symptoms you may be experiencing.  Your treatment plan may include: watching and waiting, repairing the tooth with a filling, placing a crown to protect the tooth from any further damage, a root canal, and/or extraction.  To limit the severity of treatment and possibly the extent of the fracture, it is always best to see your Sandy Springs Dental Practice on a regular basis.  This allows us to diagnose and treat any fractures while they are in their earliest stages, and possibly prevent you from experiencing pain.

You’ve probably heard it all your life, “brush your teeth twice each day to keep cavities away”.  This is great advice because starting with your very first baby teeth, proper oral care is the best way to prevent tooth decay.  However, the simple instruction to brush is not enough!  If you think proper dental care is common knowledge and practice, then the fact that more than 60% of our teenage kids show tooth decay might surprise you. Find out if you are already an expert, and check out some quick facts below to discover the top mistakes made when people brush their teeth.

Time: Are you brushing long enough?

The average person brushes their teeth for only 20-45 sec.  However, you should be aiming for a full two minutes of brushing each time you brush.  This allows your toothbrush enough time to complete its job.

Frequency: Are you brushing often enough?

The instructions to brush twice a day were actually developed years ago as a marketing strategy by the toothpaste companies.  Although it’s not a bad benchmark, it doesn’t take into consideration each individual’s specific activities.  The number of times that you brush your teeth should actually be based on how many times you consume food or drink and your genetic predisposition.  Some people need to brush, and floss, more than twice a day to maintain a healthy oral cavity.


Yes!  Research shows that flossing at least once a day, preferably at night, is recommended to keep tooth decay and gum disease at bay.

Brush your tongue.

Some of the most offensive bacteria in your mouth can live on your tongue.  This can cause oral infections and bad breath.  Lower your chances of both by using a tongue cleaner or your toothbrush to clean your tongue after brushing your teeth.

Not too hard…

Some people take the “scrubbing the dishes” approach to brushing their teeth.  However, unlike removing food from plates, brushing your teeth with a lot of pressure is not better.  You might be removing unwanted bacteria and food, but you could also be causing your gums to recede!  Receding gum lines can lead to further complications with your teeth and gums over time.  When it comes to pressure, it is best to use a gentle approach and leave the scrubbing in the kitchen.

What angle are you taking?

You may be brushing at the wrong angle!  If you are holding your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, then you are getting the most effective clean.  This enables you to easily reach areas below and above your gum line.

Replace: How often do you replace your toothbrush?

Those disappearing lines on your toothbrush are a great indicator for replacement.   When you notice a diminishing line, it is probably time to replace it.  You should be replacing your toothbrush or toothbrush head at least every three months.

We make superior oral health our priority at Rodney Baier, DDS.  If you have any questions about how your brushing habits can be improved, please feel free to give us a call or ask during your next appointment.

If you fail to make your oral health a priority, cavities may not be the only thing you could be worrying about!  Did you know that poor oral hygiene can put your overall health at risk?  Infrequent brushing and cleaning can cause a number of obvious problems including cavities, gum disease, tooth decay and halitosis (bad breath).  However, recent scientific studies have found links between more serious health conditions and the improper care of your mouth.Neglecting the use of your toothbrush and floss can lead to unhealthy bacteria levels in your mouth.  Although some bacteria are essential for digesting food, too much of this bacteria can lead to periodontitis (inflammation around the tooth).  When this type of infection is left untreated, the harmful bacteria can make their way to the rest of your body and cause numerous other issues.

Conditions linked to Poor Oral Health:

Cardiovascular disease: According to multiple studies, there is a proven link between periodontal disease and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Endocarditis: When the bacteria in your mouth becomes out of control, it can travel through the bloodstream and target susceptible areas in your heart. This can result in an infection within the heart’s inner lining.

Premature and low birth weight: A mother living with Periodontitis may be increasing her risk of having a premature baby and low birth weight.

Dementia: Studies have shown a link between the presence of oral bacteria finding its way into the brain and memory loss.

Diabetes: Those with diabetes may also have a lower resistance to infection. This lower resistance directly influences the seriousness of gum disease.

Head and neck cancers: Tobacco use and alcohol consumption are also related to these types of cancer.

Making Oral Health a Priority

Maintaining your mouth and body health can be as simple as making a few changes in your daily habits.  Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing each and every day is the best way to start.  Limiting or being more aware of your intake of sugar and alcohol can also help support a healthy diet.  If you are past due for your regular 6-month cleaning, give our Dental Office in Sandy Springs, GA a call at 404-851-9711, and we’ll get you scheduled!

What is TMD?

First, let’s discuss what TMJ is and how it affects your daily quality of life through eating, talking, and chewing.  The temporomandibular joint is in front of each ear and connects your lower jawbone to your skull.  If you have or are experiencing complications with your TMJ, you may feel symptoms related to the muscle, jaw, or joint.  Temporomandibular Disorder, TMD, affects more than twice as many women (particularly those of childbearing age) as men and is the most common non-dental related chronic facial pain.


The first thing commonly noticed is pain and discomfort.  You may experience this on one or both sides of your face, jaw, joint area, neck, and shoulders, or around the ear.  Often TMD discomfort is stimulated by chewing, speaking, and/or yawning.

Limitations with Opening Your Mouth

If you are experiencing a clicking, popping, or grating sound when you open your mouth, this is a common symptom of TMD.  In more severe cases of TMD, you may even have difficulty opening your mouth widely.  Doing so may result in your jaw getting stuck or locked in an open or closed position.

TMD Occurrence

TMD is found to affect more than twice as many women as men and it is one of the most common causes of chronic facial pain.  Factors that contribute to TMD are thought to be stress and strenuous physical tasks which may cause you to overuse your jaw muscles through the clenching or grinding (Bruxism) of your teeth.

Trouble Chewing

Since your TMJ is the joint responsible for opening and closing your jaw, TMD can often cause misalignment or discomfort in your bite.  If you are experiencing symptoms such as swelling, tiredness, toothaches, headaches, or dizziness, it’s important that you contact Dr. Baier or your trusted provider immediately.

At Rodney Baier, DDS. We believe that early detection and treatment can help prevent long-term discomfort and more serious dental health problems.  Dr. Baier’s extensive training and teaching is based on the non-surgical treatment of TMD.  He focuses on the importance of bringing the jaw and bite back into alignment so that you can experience long-term relief.

Your dental health isn’t just about having a great-looking smile, it’s about feeling great and having a healthy and happy quality of life.

To learn more or set up an appointment at our Sandy Springs Dental Practice, please contact Rodney Baier, DDS at 404-851- 9711 or

As time progresses, you will notice that you are more susceptible to many health concerns. Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. Fortunately, Dr. Baier can help you understand and provide a range of procedures that can help improve your oral health at any age. Let’s address the most common dental problems for seniors and then, if any of these are a problem area for you, we’ll help you reach a solution.

Cavities and Dry Mouth

Even though dental cavities may occur at any age, seniors are particularly susceptible to other age-related physical changes. One of the most common oral health concerns associated with cavities is dry mouth. As you age, your mouth often begins to produce an inadequate amount of saliva. If you are experiencing the discomfort of dry mouth, please know that your risk for cavities is increasing. The reason for this increased risk is that saliva helps to flush out bacteria and food particles. When your saliva production decreases, your risk of allowing enamel damaging particles to remain in place increases.


A quick and painless oral cancer screening can save your life. Oral cancer screenings are painless and quick symptoms of mouth cancer include open sores, white patches, or red patches within your mouth. Often, you may not notice the telltale signs of oral cancer. It’s important for you to participate in regular visits with your dentist. Dr. Baier offers oral cancer screening so that it can be detected as early as possible. Take a few minutes of your time to get tested today.

Gingivitis and Periodontitis

Both Gingivitis and Periodontitis stem from bacteria being allowed to get out of control. If you notice symptoms such as red, swollen, or receding gums, it is very important that you discuss these with your dentist. If Gingivitis or Periodontitis is allowed to progress untreated, it will ultimately lead to tooth loss. Prevention and regular hygiene are always the best options when it comes to your oral health. Allowing your dental health to deteriorate will damage your oral health and confidence and create a costly treatment plan.

If you are experiencing any of the problems or symptoms described, please call Rodney Baier, DDS at (404) 851-9711 to set up an appointment as soon as possible.

The Rodney Baier DDS team is proud to provide individualized cosmetic and restorative Dentist in Sandy Springs, GA, and surrounding communities. Our practice’s mission is to provide personalized, relationship-based care to each and every one of our patients. By understanding your concerns, we are able to help provide the best solutions for your dental and overall health.

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